SET,KTET-Unit IV Foundations of education

 1. Philosophical Foundations 

 Educational Philosophy - Relationship between Philosophy and Education - Major Philosophical divisions and its impact on aims, curriculum, and methods of teaching - Concept of teacher, freedom and Discipline

  Major philosophical systems in the East – Six Schools of Indian philosophy, Buddhism, Jainism, and Islamic thought 

 Major philosophical systems in the West – Idealism, Naturalism, Pragmatism, Humanism and Realism, Democracy and Critical Pedagogy Eminent thinkers in Education – Gandhiji, Tagore, Vivekananda, Plato, Rousseau, Montessori, Frobel, John Dewey, Paulo Freire 

 Value education – Classification of values, Significance of value education, Religious and moral education and development of values, Value crisis. Module 

2. Sociological Foundations 

 Relation between education and sociology, - Meaning and scope of education and sociology, and sociology of Education, Interactive role of education and society, The relationship between education and culture. 

 Social functions of education- Various functions of education in society, functions of society towards education. Functions of education with regard to Culture– Preservation, Transformation and Transmission. 

 Social change and education - Social Change – Factors influencing social changes- Role of Education . Social mobility. Factors hinder positive changes in the society, Characteristics of Indian Society –class, religion, ethnicity, language. Major changes occurred in Indian society Corruption, Terrorism, Antinational activities, Violence against women, Drug abuse and Alcoholism etc. Role of education to curb Social evils. 

 Education and social institutions – Major social institutions, Role of various social institutions to inculcate values connected with Democracy and Secularism, National Integration, Concept of global village

Education and socialization – Factors influencing socialization, education and socialization process, Acculturation, value orientation- Teacher as a Change agent and Nation builder, Cultural lag, cultural inertia, Cultural diffusion Module 

3. Psychological Foundations –

 Educational Psychology- Meaning, scope, fields of psychology- Educational Psychology, School Psychology, Clinical Csychology. Applications of Psychology

Guidance and Counselling, life skills education etc.

  Personality- Approaches- Psychoanalytic, Behaviouristic, Humanistic, Trait approaches. Motivation- Intrinsic and extrinsic. Approaches to motivation- behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural.  Intelligence- Factor theories, Multiple intelligence. Measurement of intelligenceBinet, Wechsler. Creativity

  Social and Cognitive development- Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Language- structure and development. Memory and forgetting 

 Adolescent characteristics- Cognitive, Emotional and Motivational aspects. Peer influence. Parenting difficulties Module 4. History & policies of Education 

 History of Education in Kerala and India. Early education history of India, introduction of modern English Education, Government’s role in pre-Independence India, major reports & documents on education. Important personalities in Education in India and Kerala.

  Reports and Policies on Education in post independence period – NPE -first, second & third, BPEGEL, IEDSS

 Acts and Bills Relevant to higher education: Major Bills and Acts on Higher education promulgated by the Parliament of India and the Legislative Assembly of Kerala 

 Programmes for Universalisation of Education - Saakshar Bharat, RTE, DPEP, SSA, RMSA, RUSA 

,  Institutions of Education at National and state level- MHRD, UGC, NCTE NCERT, NUEPA, SCERT, DIET, CTE, SIET, etc


*. In ancient India, which one of the following universities was established first?

A) Vikramsila    B) Nalanda   C) Takshashila     D) SomapuraMahavihara

The founder of the Nyaya School of philosophy

A) Kapila B) Gautama  C) Jaimini D) Kanada

* According to Indian philosophy, the main goal of existence is,

A) Darshana B) Karma C) Salvation D) Rebirth
