SET, KTET-Unit V Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

 Module 1. Teaching Aptitude

  Teaching aptitude – Teacher characteristics, Teaching as a profession, Skill based theoretical knowledge, Teacher competency and teacher accountability,

  Administrative aptitude – Administrative models, administrative roles of teachers, obligations to students, parents and society 

 Reflective practices –components in reflective practice, innovative teaching, mechanisms of feedback to learners, self assessment. 

 Professional development – Needs for professional development, technological advancement, professional associations, Preservice and in-service training, cluster training, teacher rating & grading

  Teacher Characteristics – Essential characters for a quality teacher, professional qualities, teacher as an agent of social reformation.

Module 2. Teaching Methods 

 Teaching skills – Essential teaching skills, quality teaching and teaching skills, Microteaching

  Methods of teaching – Analysis of Major methods of teaching.

  Techniques and approaches to teaching – Individualized instruction, Group instruction, peer teaching, mentoring, facilitated instruction, Distance and online teaching,

  Instructional models of teaching – Significance of Models of teaching – Concept attainment, Advance organizer, cognitive growth, group investigation models of teaching. 

 Teaching & Learning resources – Classification of Audio-visual aids, Dale’s cone of experience, Community resources, Web resources. Improvisation of aids, Effective use of learning resources

Module 3. Learning – 

 Learning theories- Behaviorist theories, cognitive learning, Constructivist view. Classroom learning. Approaches of Vygotsky, Piaget, Gagne, Bruner, Ausubel, & Bloom 

 Applications of learning theories- Mastery learning, reinforcement, situated learning, problem-based learning, Building on students’ thinking, activity and constructing knowledge, scaffolding, assisted learning, concept learning, setting learning objectives, etc. 

 Learner characteristics- Heredity, personality, intelligence, SES, culture, gender, experience, motivation, goal orientation, cognitive styles, learning styles

  Learning environment- Class room climate, home environment. Teacher’s personality. Individual learning and group learning. Group dynamics. Sociometry 

 Learners with special needs - Students with mental retardation, learning disabilities, learning difficulties, behavioral problems, emotional problems; communication, visual and hearing impairments, under achievers. Strategies- inclusive classroom, strategy training. Gifted students

Module 4. Evaluation

  Tools and techniques for evaluation – Paper pencil Tests, Achievement and diagnostic tests, Performance tests, Cumulative records, Rating scale, Observation, Characteristics of a good test 

 Continuous Evaluation – Measures for continuous evaluation- Unit test, Assignments, Seminar, Collection, Project, Experiments, Portfolio etc.

  Terminal evaluation – Teacher made tests and standardized tests, Public examination, Type of test items, Entrance examination, Online tests, Interview 

 Grading – Principles of grading, types of grading, Absolute grading & relative grading, grading procedure, Merits and demerits of grading 

 Feedback and remediation – Feedback to students, feedback to teachers, Institutional mechanism for feedback collection, Remedial measures


*. Right to Education has been included in the Indian Constitution as a Fundamental

Right vide the 86th Amendment of the Constitution. Which Article in the

Constitution of India declares ‘Right to Education’ as Fundamental Right?

A) Article 19-A   B) Article 17-A       C) Article 231-A        D) Article 21-A

*. Which Educational Document advocated ‘Downward Filtration Theory of

Education’ in India during British Period?

A) Charter Act   B) Wood’s Despatch  C) Macaulay’s Minutes    D) Hunter Report

What does the “Judicial Review” function of the Supreme Court mean?

A) Review of the judgement of a lower court

B) Review of the functioning of Judiciary in the country

C) Examination of the constitutional validity of the laws

D) Undertaking of periodic review of the Constitution
